Our Natural Ingredient List for Sanitize It CLEAN:
Vetiver: Have antiseptic properties to illuminate viruses, bacteria. It is also accredited for its healing properties used as an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and sedative tonic.
Vanilla: is a natural antioxidant and gives vanilla beans their distinctive aroma. It also protects your body from damage from harmful components, such as free radicals and toxins.
Tea Tree: has been used for many years for its antiseptic properties. A natural antimicrobial agent, tea tree oil has been proven effective against both fungus and bacterial strains.
Rosemary: is known for its antioxidants and anti-in- flammatory effects.
Cedar Leaf: has been used for thousands of years as an herbal remedy, applied topically, cedar leaf oil has been used to treat fungus, thrush and eczema on the skin. It has been used against viruses and bacteria.
Mellissa: The health benefits of Mellissa can be attributed to its properties as an antidepressant, cordial, nervine, emmenagogue and more.
Lemongrass: offers a wide array of medicinal benefits and is in extensive demand due to its antibacterial, anti-fungal and antimicrobial properties. It is also used in aromatherapy and helps to combat fatigue, anxiety.
Lavender: Lavender is well regarded for its skin healing properties. It’s effectiveness in treating burns without scarring. It’s also a remedy for scalds, burns, and sunburns. It also stimulates a happy feeling in case of anger or sadness.
Cedar Wood: prevents wounds from becoming septic as well as protecting them from tetanus germs. It can safely be applied externally on wounds as an antisep- tic, and it is even used as an ingredient in herbal antiseptic creams. By defending the body against toxins, the cedar wood relieves the white blood cells and immune system of the extra stress, which allows them to better protect internal functions.
Birch in a green tea solution: This solution of Birch in a green tea makes a perfect anti-inflammatory vehicle. Birch tree contains betulinic acid that gives it its anti-inflammatory properties whereas green tea contains antioxidants that help to protect your skin cells from free radical damage.
Kosher Glycerin: works to moisturize the skin by drawing water from the air into the skin’s outer layer. It also forms a protective layer that helps prevent moisture loss.
Polyouat7: provides a barrier against the loss of water from the skin. Contain special ingredients that help to replace the oils contained in the skin or to protect against the loss of moisture from the skin.
Polysorbate 80: is used as a solubilizing agent, acts as a surfactant that lowers the surface tension (or interfacial tension) between two liquids or between a liquid and a solid.